CGI Update.
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CGI Update.

One of CGI’s aims right now is to rekindle the magic of the Cropcircles that some feel has been somewhat overshadowed by farmer/visitor relations in recent years. Another is to change the public’s perception of the Cropcircles by association with good and charitable causes including the voluntarily collection of donations for the farmer’s chosen charity. In this way the local community will soon see that CC’s are not such a negative thing after all as they will realise they can generate relatively large sums of money and will see CC’s as a resource rather than as a hindrance. Already this year we have raised 1000’s of pounds for such causes.

Compensation for farmers’ loss is of course an issue but my understanding is, and the view of many farmers, invasion and damage is more of a concern. To intelligently manage land, people and traffic issues around CC sites is of obvious benefit to farmers who can then get on with the job of farming knowing their interests are being looked after. This is what CGI do, we act as farmer advocates but also help to educate and inform the visiting public in the process. Visitor opinion and endorsement of our activities seems to be most positive and feels almost overwhelming at times. They say this philosophy and practice resonates so well with the spirit of the CC phenomenon. Needless to say I feel very hopeful for the future.

Happy Circling!


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