CGI Update:The Love Affair is Over...for Now!
The Love Affair is Over!
The farmers of Wiltshire have made it quite clear that they have had enough. Thirty years of invasion and disrespect has taken its toll. The ‘Makers’ are increasingly taking their work to more fertile ground, knowing that the Wiltshire ‘love affair’ is over and no longer tenable in its current form. I believe the farming community is quite aware that as a result of this position the Wiltshire tourist industry will indeed suffer, or at least until something changes. As enterprises such as B&B, pubs, hotels, tea rooms and merchandising will lose trade as a result.
CGI respect and support the farmer’s wishes and make recommendations where appropriate, which they find helpful and thank us for. The goose that laid the golden egg has now had its day and it looks like all the folks that exploited the Wiltshire CCs will have to review their position. Also a so called ‘permit scheme’ fronted by a Dutch woman and an Australian guy seems to have been the catalyst for this change. Unwittingly these people were encouraged by and played right into 'official' hands driven by ego and self-interest. An MP involved knew exactly what she was doing here.
All the sycophantic support afforded to said folly scheme are now left looking quite ridiculous as their misguided hopes and dreams from more money and popularity have been flushed right down the proverbial ‘Swanee River’ in a very leaky boat indeed. These are merely observations that all this really does seem like the stuff of black comedy, where some appear to take themselves far too seriously! The genetics of this long term in-bred, self-interested, sometimes tribal culture really does now seem to be just a little bit tired and old fashioned. Perhaps its time for some new DNA, some ‘new blood’ with a fresh new approach - self-aware and perhaps of a more spiritual nature. There is one thing we can all know, be in no doubt, it is the Makers that are in charge here. No matter what we do or little schemes that we try to assert, it will be them that makes the final choice.