Uffcott, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire.
The 'Rose' CC Broad Hinton 2015
We did speak to our friend James Hussey, the farmer of this CC field at Uffcott. He informed us that his wife Gill had sadly passed away last November and wished for all donations to go direct to The Radiotherapy Unit at Great Western Hospital via the links given here; https://www.justgiving.com/Brighter-Futures/Gill Hussey is fundraising on Just Giving for The Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund rather than through any other fundraising agencies. Alternatively, any groups that wish to visit this CC should bring donations (larger amounts) direct to him in person at the farm, others to leave a generous donation of at least £3 per head in the secure box provided within the CC. James told us any future CC he has on his land can be managed by CGI to raise funds for this worthwhile cause. We feel our presence is not so needed on this occasion.
We (at CGI) got to know the Husseys well since managing a CC of theirs at Hackpen Hill three years ago and so naturally it was with utter shock that we heard the news. We felt the CC itself was extremely poignant being in the form of a ROSE, a symbol of love placed on their land by the Makers and a wonderful tribute to Gill's memory. Of course non of us could possibly appreciate the significance of the design before the news was told. If I had any reservations regarding the interactive nature of the CCs before, they are now gone!
Please watch the attached YouTube. https://www.justgiving.com/Gill-Hussey with Rory Bremner.
Please, an appeal to ALL WILTSHIRE FARMERS. An idea to view Cropcircles as a resource rather than a nuisance? Perhaps think twice, then once more before cutting a CC?...but said respectfully; we understand your position. However, if managed well and free of charge, eg. by CGI, it WILL make a difference to people like Gill. At the Hackpen Hill CC around £2400 was raised. Swindon desperately needs this Radiotherapy Unit as Oxford is such a distance!